Sunday, August 15, 2010

Confused about trojan horse...?

I have 3 trojan horse viruses on my computer, but they are quarentined on symetec anti virus ( spelling?) because it cant delete them. so i downloaded windows defender to try and delete the viruses but when it scans my computer it says there is nothing there. how can i get it from one virus blocker to another to try and delete it. or i guess if you have any other suggestions on how to get rid of them i would like it too...

Confused about trojan horse...?ariel

you need to try another anti spyware if windows defender couldn't help you. try spyware doctor:

Confused about trojan horse...?computers

A virus that has been quarantined is no longer a threat to your system. The location that it is stored in is not visible to any other program but your av. This serves as another form of protection for you since no other program can access these infected files. If you really want to delete the file, try rebooting your system in safe mode and deleting there. Once a virus is quarantined, don't worry about it any more.

an easy to understand step by step tut i wrote on how to remove a virus properly, no matter what anti v you use.

use norton for this, seeings how you already have it.

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