Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kaspersky Online Scanner Problem?

I'm posting this question for the second time.. help me please... I'm using Kaspersky Online and after 100% update, this message appears:

Please wait to update the virus definitions...

Downloading from url:

Downloading remote file: master.xml

Update process FAILED. No further antivirus actions can be performed!

Attention, you must be online to activate Kaspersky Online Scanner, since the latest Anti-Virus bases version must be downloaded prior to scan. Otherwise we cannot guarantee detection of latest viruses. [21]

Obviously, i am online, i am connected to the internet. Why doesn't it work? I tried installing java, i also reinstalled the internet explorer. it still doesn't work. help me please. i only trust Kaspersky.

Kaspersky Online Scanner Problem?ktm

if you trust kaspersky only, then install their security suite or antivirus and evaluate it. I cannot properly solve your question, bt you can even ask for its valid! keys from me at

You can do one thing, turn off your firewall and then try to run the scanner. Otherwise if you want to go free, switch to avira antivirus v8. It has excellent detection (even more than kaspersky). I have tried all antiviruses, and Kaspersky and Avira are my best. So i keep the keyas of these products with me. Ask for them if U want. Even if they are blocked, i will give it to you instantly a new 1 when they are blocked

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